Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I CAN be fun!

Listen to this...you are REQUIRED to PLAY GAMES to answer this blog. I would like you to play the games I have embedded on this blog.

Now that you have played, tell me the game(s) you played (wasn't it COOL?) AND tell me what math is used in each game...except the game where you created a sweet car! That was just for your enjoyment. Anyway, please give me some mathematical insight of your strategies and how to succeed in each game.

(Btw: You need to sign your post and use the Anonymous option to Publish!) For example:

I'm so excited you are reading my blog,
Mrs. Goldman


Melody Cercone said...

I Decided To Make A Blog I Thought It Was Cool..

Melody Cercone said...

fabulous website..


Anonymous said...

i hate pong and it was adding.

Anonymous said...

Ok Goldman I don't get why we are doing this. I'm confused.


Mrs. Goldman said...

Pong hater,
You did have a choice of a couple of games...but, about pong-what do you need to add? How does adding help you win?
Mrs. Goldman

Mrs. Goldman said...

Before I can ask you to jump into deeper mathematical conversations, I wanted to do a trial run on this blog to see what gliches I need to fix for this to work for everyone.
Thank you for your honesty! Now, as for the assignment, can you tell me what game you played on my blog? How does math help you win the game?

Mrs. Goldman

Mrs. Goldman said...

If you'd like to share your blog site, I'll return the favor and tell you how amazing your site is!

Mrs. Goldman

Melody Cercone said...

Sorry I Missed Your Class Toady But I Had No Way Into School. But I Will See You ON Tuesday. Have An Amazing Easter.