Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Why do we need math?

So, the first blog I thought we could discuss is a topic that is a favorite in all of my classes. Why do we need this math anyway? Here is the challenge: No negative comments! Try really hard to think of clear reasons why we need math. Do you think you'll be using math in the profession you choose after you are finished with school? What types of math do you think schools should concentrate more on?...less on?

MOST IMPORTANTLY! Explain WHY you feel this way. Try and defend your answer so other people would agree with you.


Anonymous said...

We the people need math for collage and to also get a job in the future and if u allready have a job u know u need to know math. I would need mesurment and to learn diffrent dimention for my work and i am trying to get into elecrtonic for mesauring wire and the voltages of power

Anonymous said...

Mrs Golman, I Believe That We Do Need Math Because Math Is Used Almost everyday its crazy. so even though i hate math we deffinatly need it no matter how much i say we dont i know deep down inside that we do need math.

your favorite student,
Melody C.

Mrs. Goldman said...

I'm excited to hear that you have found math in your future. Thanks for being my first comment!
Mrs. Goldman

Mrs. Goldman said...

How is math crazy? Please, entertain us...

:)Mrs Goldman