Thursday, April 3, 2008

What did we do today?

I'm going to begin something that is called scribe posting. This is a work in progress. What I would like is for students to comment and tell me what we learned today in class. So, whatever day you sign on, tell me what we learned that day in class. Try to remember the mathematical terminology we used and maybe a moment you had where you understood what I was saying! Mary Kate, you told me that you thought I taught the lesson well the other day-what did I do that worked for you? What doesn't work? Be respectfully critical!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mathemagician Video

Check out the video to the right. Its about 15 minutes long, but its pretty cool. Watch the video and tell me what you think? Have you ever thought about math being like magic?

NOTE: You may need to view this video at home. A certain, un-named student, has notified me that it is blocked on the school server due to the fact that its on YouTube. I'll try to get it from TeacherTube, but until then, try this at home!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I CAN be fun!

Listen to are REQUIRED to PLAY GAMES to answer this blog. I would like you to play the games I have embedded on this blog.

Now that you have played, tell me the game(s) you played (wasn't it COOL?) AND tell me what math is used in each game...except the game where you created a sweet car! That was just for your enjoyment. Anyway, please give me some mathematical insight of your strategies and how to succeed in each game.

(Btw: You need to sign your post and use the Anonymous option to Publish!) For example:

I'm so excited you are reading my blog,
Mrs. Goldman

Why do we need math?

So, the first blog I thought we could discuss is a topic that is a favorite in all of my classes. Why do we need this math anyway? Here is the challenge: No negative comments! Try really hard to think of clear reasons why we need math. Do you think you'll be using math in the profession you choose after you are finished with school? What types of math do you think schools should concentrate more on?...less on?

MOST IMPORTANTLY! Explain WHY you feel this way. Try and defend your answer so other people would agree with you.

Its only the beginning...

I would like to start by laying down the ground rules for communicating on this blog. Very much like your physical classroom, similar rules apply. Be respectful. I would rather not go on and on about what consequences you have if you do not follow this golden rule. (Did you ever hear of the Golden Ratio?)

The object of this blog is to expand your mind a little bit in the world of math. Think outside the box, if you will. I might be bringing up topics to be discussed OR you can bring up topics.